Five steps on your way to body positivity

The topic I want to adress today is a very common one. I am sure that everyone knows a person that has been on a diet and unsatisfied with their appearance. Many of us struggle with their body image themselves. It is sad to see constant criticism of ones body be more wide spread thanContinue reading “Five steps on your way to body positivity”

Be your own brand! Motivational letter

Coolness is to be satisfied with what you have. It is embracing yourself and the people around you and never question your worth or feel the need of fitting into a certain Standard. Be Your own brand! Be yourself. Think beyond social “brands”, leagues or status instead be your own type of cool! “I don’tContinue reading “Be your own brand! Motivational letter”

Be yourself

Five reasons why you should always be true to yourself: 1.Take a moment to look around at all the people that care for you. These are the ones that love you for the person you are and care for your well-being. They love you for your personality, but how will you express your personaltity ifContinue reading “Be yourself”

5 Things to realize on the path to self-love

1.Stop focusing solely on the things you are bad at instead look at all the things you are good at. Instead of beating yourself up for the things you cannot do take time to appreciate everything you have already achieved. The constant urge to better yourself leads to you forgetting what you are capable ofContinue reading “5 Things to realize on the path to self-love”

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